Load-store model¶
This CPU model includes more detail, with each instruction having register operands, and producing a set of memory operations to be carried out by a load-store unit.
module InstructionDecoder
open Cpu
open Memory
open Value
Instruction operands¶
We now begin in earnest by describing how instruction operands are handled.
An instruction operand represents the target of a read or write to the register file (or from an immediate).
type operand =
| PC
| Register: n:nat -> operand
| Immediate: n:Cpu.word -> operand
The first object of analysis is the function get_operands
, that will
take a list of input operands and extract them from the system state.
let rec get_operands (#n #r: memory_size) (operands:list operand) (state:systemState #n #r):
rv:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length rv = FStar.List.length operands} =
match operands with
| Nil -> Nil
| hd :: tl -> (match hd with
| PC -> make_clear state.pc
| Register n -> if n < FStar.List.length state.registers then
(FStar.List.Tot.index state.registers n)
else make_clear 0uL
| Immediate n -> make_clear n
) :: get_operands tl state
We start by proving that operand extraction preserves redaction.
We do this by induction. It is convenient to first prove that extraction of just one operand preserves redaction:
let get_operands_with_one_operand_on_redacted_input_has_redacted_output (#n #r: memory_size)
(op: operand) (state:systemState #n #r):
Lemma (ensures (let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
get_operands [op] (redact_system state) = redact_list (get_operands [op] state) zero)) =
let head = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands [op] state) in
let head_of_redacted = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands [op] (redact_system state)) in
match op with
| PC -> ()
| Register n -> (
let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
lists_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction _ state.registers zero;
equal_lists_are_equivalent _ (redact_system state).registers (redact_list state.registers zero);
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state.registers (redact_system state).registers;
if n >= FStar.List.length state.registers then () else ()
| Immediate n -> ()
In the inductive case we show that the first operand in the list will be redacted as above, and then recurse by repeating this for the tail of the operand list.
let rec get_operands_on_redacted_input_has_redacted_output (#n #r: memory_size)
(operands:list operand) (state:systemState #n #r):
Lemma (ensures (let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
get_operands operands (redact_system state)
= redact_list (get_operands operands state) zero))
[SMTPat (get_operands operands (redact_system state))] =
match operands with
| Nil -> ()
| hd :: tl -> (
let head = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands state) in
let head_of_redacted = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands (redact_system state)) in
get_operands_with_one_operand_on_redacted_input_has_redacted_output hd state;
assert(redact head 0uL = head_of_redacted);
let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
let redacted_head = redact head zero in
get_operands_on_redacted_input_has_redacted_output tl state;
assert(get_operands tl (redact_system state) = redact_list (get_operands tl state) zero);
assert((head_of_redacted :: (get_operands tl (redact_system state)))
= (redacted_head :: (redact_list (get_operands tl state) zero)))
We then prove that extracting operands from the state also preserves equivalence, though in this case we jump to the inductive proof directly.
let rec get_operands_on_equivalent_inputs_has_equivalent_output (#m #q #n #r: memory_size)
(operands:list operand) (state1: systemState #m #q) (state2:systemState #n #r):
Lemma (requires (equiv_system state1 state2))
(ensures (equiv_list (get_operands operands state1)
(get_operands operands state2)))
= match operands with
| Nil -> ()
| hd :: tl -> (
let result_hd1, result_hd2: FStar.Pervasives.Native.tuple2 blindedWord blindedWord =
match hd with
| PC -> (
let head1 = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands state1) in
let head2 = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands state2) in
//equal_values_are_equivalent Cpu.word head1 head2;
head1, head2
| Register n -> (
assert(equiv_list state1.registers state2.registers);
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state1.registers state2.registers;
if n < FStar.List.length state1.registers then (
equivalent_lists_have_equivalent_values _ state1.registers state2.registers n
else ();
let head1: blindedWord = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands state1) in
let head2: blindedWord = FStar.List.Tot.hd (get_operands operands state2) in
head1, head2
| Immediate n -> (make_clear n, make_clear n) in
assert(equiv result_hd1 result_hd2);
get_operands_on_equivalent_inputs_has_equivalent_output tl state1 state2
Next we look at how to write operands. First we will define some utility functions.
The first operation that we will do is to take a list and replace a single element of a list with the corresponding element of another list (if it exists).
For example:
Then we do the same thing with a whole list of elements to replace.
let rec mux_list (a:list blindedWord) (b:(list blindedWord)) (which_b:list nat):
Tot (list blindedWord) (decreases which_b) =
match which_b with
| Nil -> a
| index_to_change :: tl -> mux_list (mux_list_single a b index_to_change) b tl
Then the same again replacing the list element with a specific value.
let rec replace_list_value (orig:list blindedWord) (n:nat) (v: blindedWord):
r:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length r = FStar.List.length orig}
= match orig with
| Nil -> Nil
| hd :: tl -> if (n > 0)
hd :: (replace_list_value tl (n - 1) v)
v :: tl
We then show that replacing a list value preserves equivalence.
let rec replacing_in_equivalent_lists_with_equivalent_value_yields_equivalent_lists
(orig1 orig2:list blindedWord) (n:nat) (v1 v2: blindedWord):
Lemma (requires (equiv_list orig1 orig2) /\ (equiv v1 v2))
(ensures (equiv_list (replace_list_value orig1 n v1) (replace_list_value orig2 n v2))) =
match n, orig1, orig2 with
| 0, _, _ -> ()
| _, h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 ->
t1 t2 (n-1) v1 v2
| _ -> ()
We then show that replacing a list value and reading it back yields the value that we wrote.
let rec replacing_then_reading_yields_original_value
(orig: list blindedWord) (v:blindedWord) (n:nat):
Lemma (requires n < FStar.List.length orig)
(ensures FStar.List.Tot.index (replace_list_value orig n v) n = v)
= match n, orig with
| _, [] -> ()
| 0, _ -> ()
| _, hd :: tl -> replacing_then_reading_yields_original_value tl v (n-1)
Now that we have these utility functions, we can use them to write output to the machine state. First a single operand:
let set_one_operand (#n #r: memory_size)
(operand:operand) (value:blindedWord) (state:systemState #n #r):
systemState #n #r =
match operand with
| PC -> (if is_blinded value then
{state with pc = 0uL}
let v = unwrap value in
if FStar.UInt64.v v < FStar.List.length state.memory then
{ state with pc = v }
{ state with pc = 0uL })
| Register n -> if n < FStar.List.length state.registers then
{ state with registers =
replace_list_value state.registers n value
| Immediate n -> state
let setting_and_getting_one_non_faulting_operand_value_yields_original_value (#n #r: memory_size)
(operand:operand) (value: blindedWord) (state:systemState #n #r):
Lemma (requires ~(match operand with
| PC -> (if is_blinded value then True
else let v = unwrap value in
FStar.UInt64.v v >= FStar.List.length state.memory)
| Register n -> n >= FStar.List.length state.registers
| Immediate n -> True))
(ensures get_operands [operand] (set_one_operand operand value state) = [value]) =
let r = get_operands [operand] (set_one_operand operand value state) in
match operand with
| PC -> ()
| Register n -> replacing_then_reading_yields_original_value state.registers value n
As usual, we then show that writing equivalent operands preserves equivalence.
let setting_single_equivalent_operand_values_on_equivalent_systems_yields_equivalent_systems
(#n #r: memory_size)
(operand :operand)
(value1 value2 :blindedWord)
(state1 state2 :systemState #n #r):
Lemma (requires (equiv_system state1 state2) /\ (equiv value1 value2))
(ensures (equiv_system (set_one_operand operand value1 state1)
(set_one_operand operand value2 state2))) =
match operand with
| PC -> (if not (is_blinded value1) && not (is_blinded value2) then (
let v1,v2 = unwrap value1, unwrap value2 in
assert(v1 = v2);
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state1.memory state2.memory;
let post1 = (set_one_operand operand value1 state1) in
let post2 = (set_one_operand operand value2 state2) in
assert(post1.pc = post2.pc)
else ())
| Register n -> (
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state1.registers state2.registers;
if n >= FStar.List.length state1.registers then ()
state1.registers state2.registers n value1 value2
| Immediate n -> ()
Then multiple operands:
let rec set_operands (#n #r: memory_size)
(operands:list operand)
(values:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length operands = FStar.List.length values})
(state:systemState #n #r):
systemState #n #r =
match operands, values with
| o :: tl_o, v :: tl_v -> set_operands tl_o tl_v (set_one_operand o v state)
| _ -> state
#set-options "--z3rlimit 1000"
let rec setting_equivalent_operand_values_on_equivalent_systems_yields_equivalent_systems
(#n #r: memory_size)
(operands :list operand)
(values1:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length operands = FStar.List.length values1})
(values2:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length operands = FStar.List.length values2})
(state1: systemState #n #r) (state2 :systemState #n #r):
Lemma (requires (equiv_system state1 state2) /\ (equiv_list values1 values2))
(ensures (equiv_system (set_operands operands values1 state1)
(set_operands operands values2 state2))) =
match operands, values1, values2 with
| ho :: to, hv1 :: tv1, hv2 :: tv2 -> (
assert(equiv hv1 hv2);
let applied_head1 = set_one_operand ho hv1 state1 in
let applied_head2 = set_one_operand ho hv2 state2 in
ho hv1 hv2 state1 state2;
assert(equiv_system applied_head1 applied_head2);
let applied_tail1 = (set_operands to tv1 applied_head1) in
let applied_tail2 = (set_operands to tv2 applied_head2) in
to tv1 tv2 applied_head1 applied_head2;
assert(equiv_system applied_tail1 applied_tail2)
| _ -> ()
Memory operations¶
Now we look at memory operations.
These are represented differently from instruction operands, because in a real processor they would handled by the load-store unit, which can’t immediately read or write a value from memory: it always takes at least one cycle.
type memory_operation =
| Load: address:nat -> dest:nat -> memory_operation
| Store: address:nat -> src:nat -> memory_operation
We also need to deal with caches. In this case we don’t want to specify concretely how the cache works, but just to show that a processor is safe regardless of the specific cache policy in use.
We do this by defining a type of function, a cache policy, that indicates what a given memory operation does to the cache.
type cache_policy (n:memory_size) =
(cache_state n) -> memory_operation -> (cache_state n)
As usual, we define an equivalence relation on memory operations so that we can determine whether they leak information. In this case, we say that two memory operations are equivalent if they load/store the same register to the same address:
let equiv_memory_operation (lhs rhs: memory_operation) =
match lhs, rhs with
| (Load la ld), (Load ra rd) -> (la = ra /\ ld = rd)
| (Store la ls), (Store ra rs) -> (la = ra /\ ls = rs)
| _, _ -> False
We also define equivalence of lists of memory operations, since an instruction might perform several memory operations.
let rec equiv_memory_operations (lhs rhs: list memory_operation) =
match lhs, rhs with
| lh :: lt, rh :: rt -> (equiv_memory_operation lh rh) /\ equiv_memory_operations lt rt
| [], [] -> True
| _, _ -> False
- Then we prove various properties of these relations:
Equality implies equivalence:
let equal_memory_operations_are_equivalent (lhs rhs: memory_operation): Lemma (requires lhs = rhs) (ensures (equiv_memory_operation lhs rhs)) = () let rec equal_memory_operation_lists_are_equivalent (lhs rhs: list memory_operation): Lemma (requires lhs = rhs) (ensures equiv_memory_operations lhs rhs) = match lhs, rhs with | hl :: tl, hr :: tr -> ( equal_memory_operations_are_equivalent hl hr; equal_memory_operation_lists_are_equivalent tl tr ) | _ -> ()
let memory_operation_equivalence_is_symmetric (lhs rhs: memory_operation): Lemma (requires (equiv_memory_operation lhs rhs)) (ensures (equiv_memory_operation rhs lhs)) = () let rec memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_symmetric (lhs rhs: list memory_operation): Lemma (requires (equiv_memory_operations lhs rhs)) (ensures (equiv_memory_operations rhs lhs)) = match lhs, rhs with | hl :: tl, hr :: tr -> ( memory_operation_equivalence_is_symmetric hl hr; memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_symmetric tl tr ) | _ -> ()
let memory_operation_equivalence_is_transitive (lhs mid rhs: memory_operation): Lemma (requires (equiv_memory_operation lhs mid) /\ (equiv_memory_operation mid rhs)) (ensures (equiv_memory_operation lhs rhs)) = () let rec memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_transitive (lhs mid rhs: list memory_operation): Lemma (requires (equiv_memory_operations lhs mid) /\ (equiv_memory_operations mid rhs)) (ensures (equiv_memory_operations lhs rhs)) = match lhs, mid, rhs with | hl :: tl, hm :: tm, hr :: tr -> ( memory_operation_equivalence_is_transitive hl hm hr; memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_transitive tl tm tr ) | _ -> ()
Equivalence of lists implies equality of length
let rec equivalent_memory_operation_lists_have_equal_length (lhs rhs: list memory_operation): Lemma (requires equiv_memory_operations lhs rhs) (ensures (FStar.List.length lhs) = (FStar.List.length rhs)) = match lhs, rhs with | hl :: tl, hr :: tr -> equivalent_memory_operation_lists_have_equal_length tl tr | _, _ -> ()
Next, we look at how to actually complete the transactions. A load results in the register file being updated with a value from memory. A store results in memory being updated with a value from the register file.
let complete_one_memory_transaction (#n #r: memory_size)
(op:memory_operation) (pre:systemState #n #r) (cp:cache_policy n): systemState #n #r =
match op with
| Load address register ->
if register < FStar.List.length pre.registers
&& address < FStar.List.length pre.memory then
{ pre with registers = replace_list_value
(FStar.List.Tot.index pre.memory address);
cache_lines = cp pre.cache_lines op }
else pre
| Store address register ->
if register < FStar.List.length pre.registers
&& address < FStar.List.length pre.memory then
{ pre with memory = replace_list_value
(FStar.List.Tot.index pre.registers register);
cache_lines = cp pre.cache_lines op }
else pre
let rec complete_memory_transactions (#n #r: memory_size)
(op:list memory_operation) (pre:systemState #n #r) (cp:cache_policy n) =
match op with
| hd :: tl -> (let post = (complete_one_memory_transaction hd pre cp) in
complete_memory_transactions tl post cp)
| [] -> pre
Then, we show that our notion of equivalence of memory operations leads to the conclusion that applying equivalent operations to equivalent systems yields equivalent systems.
let completing_single_memory_transactions_on_equivalent_systems_yields_equivalent_systems
(#m #q #n #r: memory_size)
(op1:memory_operation) (op2:memory_operation)
(state1:systemState #m #q) (state2 :systemState #n #r)
(cp:cache_policy m):
Lemma (requires (equiv_system state1 state2) /\ (equiv_memory_operation op1 op2))
(ensures (equiv_system (complete_one_memory_transaction op1 state1 cp)
(complete_one_memory_transaction op2 state2 cp))) =
let post1 = (complete_one_memory_transaction op1 state1 cp) in
let post2 = (complete_one_memory_transaction op2 state2 cp) in
assert(m = n /\ q = r);
assert(state1.cache_lines = state2.cache_lines);
assert(post1.cache_lines = post2.cache_lines);
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state1.memory state2.memory;
equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths state1.registers state2.registers;
match op1, op2 with
| Load a1 r1, Load a2 r2 -> (
assert(a1 = a2);
assert(r1 = r2);
assert(equiv_list state1.registers state2.registers);
assert(equiv_list state1.memory state2.memory);
if (a1 < FStar.List.length state1.memory)
&& (r1 < FStar.List.length state1.registers) then (
assert(a2 < FStar.List.length state2.memory);
assert(r2 < FStar.List.length state2.registers);
let mem1 = state1.memory in
let mem2 = state2.memory in
blindedWord mem1 mem2 a1;
let write1 = (FStar.List.Tot.index state1.memory a1) in
let write2 = (FStar.List.Tot.index state2.memory a2) in
assert(equiv write1 write2);
assert(post1.registers = (replace_list_value state1.registers r1 write1));
assert(post2.registers = (replace_list_value state2.registers r2 write2));
state1.registers state2.registers r1 write1 write2;
assert(equiv_list post1.registers post2.registers);
assert(equiv_list state1.memory state2.memory);
assert(post1.pc = post2.pc)
else (
assert(post1 = state1);
assert(post2 = state2)
assert(equiv_system post1 post2)
| Store a1 r1, Store a2 r2 -> (
assert(a1 = a2);
assert(r1 = r2);
assert(equiv_list state1.registers state2.registers);
assert(equiv_list state1.memory state2.memory);
if (a1 < FStar.List.length state1.memory)
&& (r1 < FStar.List.length state1.registers) then (
assert(a2 < FStar.List.length state2.memory);
assert(r2 < FStar.List.length state2.registers);
let reg1 = state1.registers in
let reg2 = state2.registers in
blindedWord reg1 reg2 r1;
let write1 = (FStar.List.Tot.index state1.registers r1) in
let write2 = (FStar.List.Tot.index state2.registers r2) in
assert(equiv write1 write2);
assert(post1.memory = (replace_list_value state1.memory a1 write1));
assert(post2.memory = (replace_list_value state2.memory a2 write2));
state1.memory state2.memory a1 write1 write2;
assert(equiv_list post1.registers post2.registers);
assert(equiv_list state1.memory state2.memory);
assert(post1.pc = post2.pc)
else (
assert(post1 = state1);
assert(post2 = state2)
assert(equiv_system post1 post2)
assert(equiv_system post1 post2)
let rec completing_equivalent_memory_transactions_on_equivalent_systems_yields_equivalent_systems
(#m #q #n #r: memory_size)
(ops1:list memory_operation)
(ops2:(list memory_operation){FStar.List.length ops1 = FStar.List.length ops2})
(state1:systemState #m #q) (state2 :systemState #n #r)
(cp: cache_policy m):
Lemma (requires (equiv_system state1 state2) /\ (equiv_memory_operations ops1 ops2))
(ensures (equiv_system (complete_memory_transactions ops1 state1 cp)
(complete_memory_transactions ops2 state2 cp))) =
assert(m = n /\ q = r);
match ops1, ops2 with
| op1 :: t1, op2 :: t2 -> (
let post1 = complete_one_memory_transaction op1 state1 cp in
let post2 = complete_one_memory_transaction op2 state2 cp in
op1 op2 state1 state2 cp;
t1 t2 post1 post2 cp
| [], [] -> ()
The next step is to define the concept of an instruction decoding. We don’t want to analyze a specific ISA here, so instead we suppose that there is an instruction decoder in the processor that will identify the instruction operands before execution.
type decodedInstruction = { opcode: nat; input_operands: list operand; output_operands: list operand }
type decoder = (inst:word) -> decodedInstruction
type decoder_output (d:decoder) = (di:decodedInstruction{exists(inst:word). di = d inst})
Once we know what the instruction operands are, we can define a representation of the results of the instruction. This contains a value corresponding to each output operand (as identified by the instruction decoder), as well as a list of memory operations.
type instruction_result (di:decodedInstruction) = {
register_writes: (vals:(list blindedWord){
FStar.List.length vals = FStar.List.length di.output_operands});
memory_ops: (list memory_operation);
fault: bool
We can then define an equivalence relation on instruction results to see whether they leak information:
let equiv_result (#di:decodedInstruction) (lhs rhs:(instruction_result di)) = (
(equiv_list lhs.register_writes rhs.register_writes)
/\ (equiv_memory_operations lhs.memory_ops rhs.memory_ops)
/\ lhs.fault = false /\ rhs.fault = false)
\/ (lhs.fault = true /\ rhs.fault = true)
- Then we define the usual bevy of properties:
Equality implies equivalence:
let equal_results_are_equivalent (#di:decodedInstruction) (lhs rhs:(instruction_result di)): Lemma (requires lhs = rhs) (ensures equiv_result lhs rhs) = equal_lists_are_equivalent blindedWord lhs.register_writes rhs.register_writes; equal_memory_operation_lists_are_equivalent lhs.memory_ops rhs.memory_ops
let result_equivalence_is_symmetric (#di:decodedInstruction) (lhs rhs:(instruction_result di)): Lemma (requires equiv_result lhs rhs) (ensures equiv_result rhs lhs) = assert(lhs.fault = rhs.fault); if lhs.fault = false then ( list_equivalence_is_symmetric blindedWord lhs.register_writes rhs.register_writes; memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_symmetric lhs.memory_ops rhs.memory_ops) else ()
let result_equivalence_is_transitive (#di:decodedInstruction) (lhs mid rhs:(instruction_result di)): Lemma (requires (equiv_result lhs mid) /\ (equiv_result mid rhs)) (ensures (equiv_result lhs rhs)) = assert(lhs.fault = mid.fault && mid.fault = rhs.fault); if lhs.fault = false then ( list_equivalence_is_transitive blindedWord lhs.register_writes mid.register_writes rhs.register_writes; memory_operation_list_equivalence_is_transitive lhs.memory_ops mid.memory_ops rhs.memory_ops) else ()
We also define a type that indicates which lists of input operands are compatible with a decoded instruction: some lists are just not possible, either because they have the wrong number of operands for that instruction, or because they conflict with each other (e.g. r1, r2, r1 → 1, 2, 3).
type instruction_input (#n #r: memory_size) (di:decodedInstruction) =
pre:(list blindedWord){
(exists(s: systemState #n #r). pre = get_operands di.input_operands s)
/\ FStar.List.length pre = FStar.List.length di.input_operands}
We then show that this property is preserved by redaction.
let redacted_instruction_inputs_are_instruction_inputs (#n #r: memory_size)
(di:decodedInstruction) (pre:instruction_input #n #r di): instruction_input #n #r di
= let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
assert(exists (s:systemState). (pre = get_operands #n #r di.input_operands s /\
(get_operands #n #r di.input_operands (redact_system s)
= redact_list (get_operands di.input_operands s) zero ) ) );
redact_list pre zero
Next we start looking at what the instructions actually do. Earlier we defined the idea of an execution unit that maps an old state to a new state according to an instruction. Now we want do define an equivalent mapping, but in terms of instruction inputs and outputs:
type instruction_semantics (#n #r: memory_size) (d:decoder) =
(di: decoder_output d) -> (pre:instruction_input #n #r di) -> instruction_result di
We can define a notion of redacting-equivalence for the instruction semantics too.
let is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_somewhere
(#n #r: memory_size)
(s:instruction_semantics #n #r d)
(input:instruction_input #n #r (d inst)) =
let zero : (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
redaction_preserves_length blindedWord input zero;
let redacted_input = redacted_instruction_inputs_are_instruction_inputs (d inst) input in
(equiv_result (s (d inst) input) (s (d inst) redacted_input))
let is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere (#n #r: memory_size)
(d:decoder) (s:instruction_semantics #n #r d)
= forall (inst:word) (pre:instruction_input #n #r (d inst)).
is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_somewhere d s inst pre
Then as before, we show that redacting-equivalent instruction semantics lead to equivalent results when applied to a redacted input.
let redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_on_equivalent_inputs_yields_equivalent_results_somewhere
(#n #r: memory_size)
(s:instruction_semantics #n #r d)
(input1 input2:instruction_input #n #r (d inst)):
Lemma (requires (is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere d s)
/\ (equiv_list input1 input2))
(ensures equiv_result (s (d inst) input1) (s (d inst) input2)) =
let zero : (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
let result1 = (s (d inst) input1) in
let result2 = (s (d inst) input2) in
let redacted_result1 = (s (d inst) (redact_list input1 zero)) in
let redacted_result2 = (s (d inst) (redact_list input2 zero)) in
equivalent_lists_have_equal_redactions blindedWord input1 input2 zero;
assert(redacted_result1 = redacted_result2);
equal_results_are_equivalent redacted_result1 redacted_result2;
result_equivalence_is_symmetric result2 redacted_result1;
assert(equiv_result result1 redacted_result1);
assert(equiv_result redacted_result1 result2);
result_equivalence_is_transitive result1 redacted_result1 result2;
assert(equiv_result result1 result2)
Execution model¶
We now define the execution unit in terms of an instruction semantics function. This execution unit
decodes the instruction,
reads the input operands from the register file,
performs the computation,
increments the program counter, and
writes the result to the system’s register file.
let loadstore_execution_unit (#n #r: memory_size)
(d:decoder) (s:instruction_semantics #n #r d) (cp: cache_policy n)
(inst:word) (pre:systemState #n #r): systemState #n #r =
let decoded = d inst in
let input_operand_values = (get_operands decoded.input_operands pre) in
let instruction_output = (s decoded input_operand_values) in
if instruction_output.fault then { pre with pc = 0uL } else
let output_operand_values = instruction_output.register_writes in
let pre_with_incremented_pc =
{ pre with pc = (
if FStar.UInt64.v pre.pc < FStar.List.length pre.memory - 1
FStar.UInt64.add pre.pc 1uL
) } in
let intermediate_with_updated_registers =
set_operands decoded.output_operands output_operand_values pre_with_incremented_pc in
complete_memory_transactions instruction_output.memory_ops intermediate_with_updated_registers cp
We need this for technical reasons, to trigger the inclusion of some lemmas into the proof state.
irreducible let trigger (#n #r: memory_size)
(d:decoder) (s:instruction_semantics #n #r d) (cp:cache_policy n)
(inst:word) (pre:systemState #n #r) = False
Redacting-equivalent safety¶
Now we are at the point that we can start to prove security properties of this execution unit, when applied to instruction semantics that are also redacting-equivalent.
First, that it is redacting equivalent for specific instructions and system states.
let loadstore_execution_unit_with_re_instruction_semantics_is_redacting_equivalent_somewhere
(#n #r: memory_size)
(s:(instruction_semantics #n #r d){is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere d s})
(cp:cache_policy n)
(pre:systemState #n #r):
Lemma (ensures (equiv_system (loadstore_execution_unit d s cp inst pre)
(loadstore_execution_unit d s cp inst (redact_system pre))))
[SMTPat (trigger d s cp inst pre)] =
let decoded = d inst in
let input_operand_values = (get_operands decoded.input_operands pre) in
let redacted_input_operand_values = (get_operands decoded.input_operands (redact_system pre)) in
let instruction_output = (s decoded input_operand_values) in
let redacted_instruction_output = (s decoded redacted_input_operand_values) in
let pre_with_incremented_pc = { pre with pc = (
if FStar.UInt64.v pre.pc < FStar.List.length pre.memory - 1 then
FStar.UInt64.add pre.pc 1uL
) } in
systems_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction pre;
(redact_system pre);
assert(equiv_list input_operand_values redacted_input_operand_values);
d s inst input_operand_values redacted_input_operand_values;
assert(equiv_result instruction_output redacted_instruction_output);
assert(instruction_output.fault = redacted_instruction_output.fault);
if instruction_output.fault then
let post_with_fault = { pre with pc = 0uL } in
let post_redacted_with_fault = { (redact_system pre) with pc = 0uL } in
assert(equiv_system #n #r #n #r post_with_fault post_redacted_with_fault)
else (
let zero : (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
lists_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction blindedWord input_operand_values zero;
assert(equiv_list input_operand_values (get_operands decoded.input_operands (redact_system pre)));
list_equivalence_is_symmetric blindedWord input_operand_values redacted_input_operand_values;
assert(equiv_list redacted_input_operand_values input_operand_values);
list_equivalence_is_transitive blindedWord redacted_input_operand_values
(get_operands decoded.input_operands (redact_system pre));
assert(equiv_list redacted_input_operand_values
(get_operands decoded.input_operands (redact_system pre)));
assert(equiv_list instruction_output.register_writes redacted_instruction_output.register_writes);
let post1 = set_operands decoded.output_operands
pre_with_incremented_pc in
let post_redacted1 = set_operands decoded.output_operands
(redact_system pre_with_incremented_pc) in
systems_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction pre_with_incremented_pc;
assert(equiv_system pre_with_incremented_pc (redact_system pre_with_incremented_pc));
decoded.output_operands instruction_output.register_writes
(redact_system pre_with_incremented_pc);
assert(equiv_system post1 post_redacted1);
let post2: systemState #n #r = complete_memory_transactions instruction_output.memory_ops
cp in
let post_redacted2: systemState #n #r =
complete_memory_transactions redacted_instruction_output.memory_ops post_redacted1 cp in
assert(equiv_memory_operations instruction_output.memory_ops
instruction_output.memory_ops redacted_instruction_output.memory_ops;
assert(equiv_system post2 post_redacted2)
Next, that it is redacting equivalent for all instructions and system states.
let loadstore_execution_unit_with_re_instruction_semantics_is_redacting_equivalent
(#n #r: memory_size)
(s:(instruction_semantics #n #r d){is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere d s})
(cp:cache_policy n):
Lemma (ensures forall(pre:systemState #n #r) (inst:word).
(equiv_system (loadstore_execution_unit d s cp inst pre)
(loadstore_execution_unit d s cp inst (redact_system pre)))
\/ (trigger d s cp inst pre) )
= ()
Main safety theorem¶
Finally, we show that the decoding execution unit is safe.
let each_loadstore_execution_unit_with_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_is_safe
(#n #r: memory_size)
(s:(instruction_semantics #n #r d){is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere d s})
(cp:cache_policy n):
Lemma (ensures is_safe (loadstore_execution_unit d s cp))
= loadstore_execution_unit_with_re_instruction_semantics_is_redacting_equivalent d s cp;
redacting_equivalent_execution_units_are_safe (loadstore_execution_unit d s cp)