Low-level CPU model

This file provides a generic model of a CPU and memory, with each instruction producing an arbitrary transition between system states.

module Cpu

open Memory
open Value

System state

We start by defining the low-level state of the system.

What does an address look like, and what does a word in memory look like?

type address = FStar.UInt64.t
type word = FStar.UInt64.t

Furthermore what is the size of the memory? Since an address is a UInt64, the memory should have at most \(2^{64}\) cells.

type memory_size = n:int{FStar.UInt.fits n FStar.UInt64.n}

Next we describe the state of the caches. We don’t need to include the actual cache lines; for our purposes, an array of cache line assignments is enough.

type cache_state (n:memory_size) =
       (list (a:address{FStar.UInt64.v a < n}))

Finally, we can define the state of the overall system. This type is parametrized by the sizes of the memory and register file, as described in §6.2.2 of the paper.

type systemState (#n #r:memory_size)
     = { memory: (memory:memoryState{(FStar.List.length memory) = n});
    cache_lines: (list (a:address{FStar.UInt64.v a < n}));
             pc: (pc:word{FStar.UInt64.v pc < n});
      registers: (registers:memoryState{FStar.List.length registers = r})}


Next we define and analyze the notion of system equivalence, \(\stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv}\), as in §6.2.2 of the paper.

Two systems are in equivalent states if
  • their memory banks and register files have the same size,

  • their program counters point to the same address,

  • their cache line assignments are identical,

  • their memory banks and register files are equivalent, in the sense of equiv_list

let equiv_system (#m #q #n #r: memory_size) (lhs:systemState #m #q) (rhs:systemState #n #r)
    = (m = n)
       /\ (q = r)
       /\ (lhs.pc = rhs.pc)
       /\ (equiv_list lhs.registers rhs.registers)
       /\ (equiv_list lhs.memory rhs.memory)
       /\ (equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths lhs.memory rhs.memory;
          lhs.cache_lines = rhs.cache_lines)
We then prove several properties of \(\stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv}\):
  • Equality implies equivalence: \(s_1 = s_2 \Rightarrow s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2\)

let equal_systems_are_equivalent (#n #r:memory_size)
                                 (lhs:systemState #n #r) (rhs:systemState #n #r):
  Lemma (requires lhs = rhs) (ensures (equiv_system #n #r #n #r lhs rhs)) =
  equal_lists_are_equivalent _ lhs.registers rhs.registers;
  equal_lists_are_equivalent _ lhs.memory rhs.memory
  • Transitivity: \(s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2 \wedge s_2 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_3 \Rightarrow s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_3\)

let system_equivalence_is_transitive (#m #q #n #r #o #s: memory_size)
                                     (lhs:systemState #m #q)
                                     (mid:systemState #n #r)
                                     (rhs:systemState #o #s):
    Lemma (requires (equiv_system lhs mid) /\ (equiv_system mid rhs))
          (ensures  equiv_system lhs rhs)
    = assert(lhs.pc = rhs.pc);

      list_equivalence_is_transitive _ lhs.registers mid.registers rhs.registers;
      list_equivalence_is_transitive _ lhs.memory          mid.memory          rhs.memory;

      equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths lhs.memory rhs.memory;
      assert(lhs.cache_lines = rhs.cache_lines)
  • Symmetry: \(s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2 \Leftrightarrow s_2 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_1\)

let system_equivalence_is_symmetric (#m #q #n #r: memory_size)
                                    (lhs: systemState #m #q)
                                    (rhs:systemState #n #r):
    Lemma (requires equiv_system lhs rhs)
          (ensures  equiv_system rhs lhs)
    = assert(lhs.pc = rhs.pc);

      equivalent_lists_have_equal_lengths lhs.memory rhs.memory;
      assert(lhs.cache_lines = rhs.cache_lines);

      list_equivalence_is_symmetric _ lhs.registers rhs.registers;
      list_equivalence_is_symmetric _ lhs.memory          rhs.memory


Equivalence is not always the easiest notion to work with, since the associated theorems often take the form of

\[\forall s_1, s_2. s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2 \Rightarrow f(s_1) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} f(s_2),\]

which we need to prove despite not knowing anything about \(s_1\) or \(s_2\) or their relationship to one another.

We introduce the concept of redaction, which is to zero all of the data in blinded values of the system.

let redact_system (#n #r: memory_size) (s:systemState #n #r): systemState #n #r = {
    pc = (let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
          redaction_preserves_length _ s.memory zero;
          let redacted_memory = redact_list s.memory zero in
    cache_lines = s.cache_lines;
    registers = (let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
                 redaction_preserves_length _ s.registers zero;
                 redact_list s.registers zero);
    memory    = let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
                redact_list s.memory zero

We then prove that systems are equivalent to their redaction:

let systems_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction (#n #r: memory_size) (s:systemState #n #r):
    Lemma (ensures equiv_system s (redact_system s))
    = let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
      lists_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction  _ s.registers zero;
      lists_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction  _ s.memory zero

and that the redactions of equivalent systems are equal:

let equivalent_systems_have_equal_redactions (#m #q #n #r: memory_size)
                                             (s1:systemState #m #q)
                                             (s2:systemState #n #r):
    Lemma (requires (equiv_system s1 s2)) (ensures ((redact_system s1) == (redact_system s2)))
    = assert(m = n);
      let zero: (inner #blindedWord) = 0uL in
      equivalent_lists_have_equal_redactions _ s1.registers s2.registers zero;
      equivalent_lists_have_equal_redactions _ s1.memory s2.memory zero

Together, these theorems let us more easily prove theorems of the form

\[\forall s_1, s_2: s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2 \Rightarrow f(s_1) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} f(s_2).\]

by instead proving that

\[\forall s: f(s) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} f(\mathrm{redact}\; s)\]

which by systems_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction and equivalent_systems_have_equal_redactions yield

\[\forall s_1, s_2: s_1 \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} s_2 \Rightarrow f(s_1) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} f(\mathrm{redact}\; s_1) = f(\mathrm{redact}\; s_2) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} f(s_2) .\]

Execution model

The next step is to describe how the system actually executes.

We represent this using:

  • an execution unit (essentially, an ISA)

type execution_unit (#n #r:memory_size) = word -> systemState #n #r -> systemState #n #r
  • a function that “steps” the processor state, which in this case means to load an instruction from memory and execute it in a single cycle.

    val step (#n #r:memory_size)
        (exec:execution_unit #n #r)
        (pre_state: systemState #n #r)
        : systemState #n #r
    let step exec pre_state =
        let instruction = Memory.nth pre_state.memory pre_state.pc in
            match is_blinded instruction with
            | true -> { pre_state with pc = 0uL }
            | false -> exec (unwrap instruction) pre_state

Safety definitions

Equivalence-based safety

We define safety in this case to be that the system is safe if executing on equivalent (and so indistinguishable) states always results in equivalent output states.

We start by defining a test that checks whether this is the case for a particular set of equivalent initial states:

let equivalent_inputs_yield_equivalent_states (#n #r:memory_size)
                                              (exec:execution_unit #n #r)
                                              (pre1:systemState #n #r)
                                              (pre2:(systemState #n #r){equiv_system pre1 pre2}) =
    equiv_system (step exec pre1) (step exec pre2)

Then, we define safety by whether execution preserves state equivalence for all possible inputs.

let is_safe (#n #r:memory_size) (exec:execution_unit #n #r) =
    forall (pre1 pre2 : systemState).
        (equiv_system pre1 pre2) ==> equivalent_inputs_yield_equivalent_states exec pre1 pre2

type safe_execution_unit (#n #r:memory_size) = exec:(execution_unit #n #r){is_safe exec}

Redaction-based safety

As an alternative to the notion of safety defined above, we define another notion of safety in terms of redaction equivalence of the execution unit only.

We say that an execution unit \(X(i, s)\), that maps an instruction and a state to a new state, is redacting-equivalent if its action on a redacted state yields an equivalent result to its action on the original state:

\[\forall i: X(i, s) \stackrel{\mathrm{state}}{\equiv} X(i, \mathrm{redact}\; s),\]

as expressed below:

 let is_redacting_equivalent_execution_unit (#n #r:memory_size) (exec:execution_unit #n #r)
   = forall(pre:systemState) (inst:word).
        (equiv_system (exec inst pre) (exec inst (redact_system pre)))

type redacting_equivalent_execution_unit (#n #r:memory_size)
   = exec:(execution_unit #n #r){is_redacting_equivalent_execution_unit exec}

Then we show that a redacting-equivalent execution unit yields a redacting-equivalent system; that is to say, that it is redacting-equivalent even if the instruction is loaded from memory rather than being specified identically for the original and redacted system states.

let is_redacting_equivalent_system_single_step_somewhere (#n #r:memory_size)
                                                         (exec:execution_unit #n #r)
                                                         (pre:systemState #n #r) =
    (equiv_system (step exec pre) (step exec (redact_system pre)))

let is_redacting_equivalent_system_single_step_everywhere (#n #r:memory_size)
                                                          (exec:execution_unit #n #r) =
    forall (pre:systemState). is_redacting_equivalent_system_single_step_somewhere exec pre

let redacting_equivalent_execution_units_lead_to_redacting_equivalent_systems_somewhere
                                                      (#n #r:memory_size)
                                                      (exec:redacting_equivalent_execution_unit #n #r)
                                                      (pre:systemState #n #r):
    Lemma (ensures is_redacting_equivalent_system_single_step_somewhere exec pre) =
      // We showed already that the execution unit itself is
      // redacting-equivalent for any given instruction.  But this time we
      // load the instruction from memory, so we need to show that redaction
      // doesn't affect which instruction is executed.

      // First, we check that the instruction will be loaded from the same
      // address despite the redaction.  This comes easily, since any state
      // is equivalent to its redaction, and equivalent states have equal PCs.
      let redaction = redact_system pre in
      systems_are_equivalent_to_their_redaction pre;
      assert(pre.pc = redaction.pc);

      // Since the PCs are equal and memories are equivalent, the instructions
      // read from memory are equivalent.  Since the processor will fault if
      // we try to execute a blinded instruction, equivalence is enough for the
      // execution results to be equivalent.
      let pc = pre.pc in
      equivalent_memories_have_equivalent_values pre.memory redaction.memory pc;
      assert(equiv_list pre.memory redaction.memory);
      assert(equiv (Memory.nth pre.memory pc) (Memory.nth redaction.memory pc))

Next, we show that a redacting-equivalent execution unit leads to a redacting-equivalent overall system.

let redacting_equivalent_systems_give_equivalent_outputs_for_equivalent_inputs (#n #r:memory_size)
    (exec:redacting_equivalent_execution_unit #n #r)
    (pre_1:systemState #n #r) (pre_2:systemState #n #r)
      : Lemma (requires equiv_system pre_1 pre_2)
              (ensures equiv_system (step exec pre_1) (step exec pre_2))
              [SMTPat (equiv_system (step exec pre_1) (step exec pre_2))]
      = redacting_equivalent_execution_units_lead_to_redacting_equivalent_systems_somewhere exec pre_1;
        redacting_equivalent_execution_units_lead_to_redacting_equivalent_systems_somewhere exec pre_2;
        equivalent_systems_have_equal_redactions pre_1 pre_2;
        assert( (step exec (redact_system pre_1)) == (step exec (redact_system pre_2)) );
        system_equivalence_is_symmetric (step exec pre_2) (step exec (redact_system pre_2));
        assert( equiv_system (step exec (redact_system pre_2)) (step exec pre_2) );
        system_equivalence_is_transitive (step exec pre_1)
                                         (step exec (redact_system pre_1))
                                         (step exec pre_2)

Finally, we show that a redacting-equivalent execution unit leads to a processor that is safe (in the sense that equivalent states remain equivalent after each execution step).

let redacting_equivalent_execution_units_are_safe (#n #r:memory_size)
    (exec:redacting_equivalent_execution_unit #n #r):
    Lemma (ensures is_safe exec)
      = ()