Multi-domain BliMe¶
Extends the analysis to multiple blindedness domains.
module Multi
open Value
type blindedness_domain = x:FStar.UInt8.t{~(x =}
The multiBlinded
type represents a type that may be blinded with any
of several blindedness domains.
type multiBlinded (#t:Type) =
| MultiClear : v:t
-> multiBlinded #t
| MultiBlinded : v:t
-> d:blindedness_domain
-> multiBlinded #t
Convert a multiBlinded to a maybeBlinded by considering only blindedness with respect to a single domain.
let for_domain (#t:Type) (d:blindedness_domain) (m: multiBlinded #t): maybeBlinded #t =
match m with
| MultiClear v -> Clear v
| MultiBlinded v d -> Blinded v
| MultiBlinded v _ -> Clear v
Define a new notion of equivalence that applies to multi-domain blinded values.
let domainwise_equiv (#t:eqtype) (d:blindedness_domain) (x y: multiBlinded #t) = equiv (for_domain d x) (for_domain d y)
let multi_bit_equiv (#t:eqtype) (x y: multiBlinded #t)
= match x, y with
| MultiClear u, MultiClear v -> u = v
| MultiBlinded u d1, MultiBlinded v d2 -> d1 = d2
| _, _ -> false
let multi_bit_redaction (#t:eqtype) (x: multiBlinded #t) (v:t)
= match x with
| MultiBlinded _ d -> MultiBlinded v d
| MultiClear v -> x
let multi_bit_unwrap (#t:eqtype) (x: multiBlinded #t)
= match x with
| MultiBlinded v _ -> v
| MultiClear v -> v
Next, we prove the same lemmas as for single-bit blindedness.
Equivalence is an equivalence relation:
let equal_values_are_equivalent (t:eqtype) (lhs rhs:multiBlinded #t): Lemma (requires lhs = rhs) (ensures forall (d:blindedness_domain). domainwise_equiv d lhs rhs) = ()
let equivalence_is_symmetric (t:eqtype) (d:blindedness_domain) (lhs rhs: multiBlinded #t): Lemma (requires domainwise_equiv d lhs rhs) (ensures domainwise_equiv d rhs lhs) = ()
let equivalence_is_transitive (t:eqtype) (d:blindedness_domain) (lhs mid rhs:multiBlinded #t): Lemma (requires (domainwise_equiv d lhs mid) /\ (domainwise_equiv d mid rhs)) (ensures domainwise_equiv d lhs rhs) = ()
Next, we show that equivalence on non-blinded values is just the normal equality relation.
let equivalent_clear_values_are_equal (t:eqtype) (x y:multiBlinded #t):
Lemma (requires MultiClear? x /\ MultiClear? y /\ (exists (d:blindedness_domain). domainwise_equiv d x y))
(ensures x = y)
= ()
Finally, we show that multiBlinded is a blinded_data_representation.
instance multi_bit_blinding (#inner:eqtype) : blinded_data_representation (multiBlinded #inner) = {
inner = inner;
equiv = multi_bit_equiv;
is_blinded = (fun (x: multiBlinded #inner) -> MultiBlinded? x);
redact = multi_bit_redaction;
unwrap = multi_bit_unwrap;
make_clear = MultiClear;
properties = ()