Memory stateΒΆ
This module models a memory array.
module Memory
open Value
open Multi
First we require a model of addresses and words. We use a 64-bit word so that there is one instruction per word.
type address = FStar.UInt64.t
type byte = FStar.UInt64.t
Then, we define the state of memory as a list of blindable words.
type blindedWord = multiBlinded #byte
type memoryState = list blindedWord
We then provide a way to read values from memory. Rather than requiring the caller to prove that their address is in range, reading from an out-of-range value results in reading a clear value zero.
let rec nth (m:memoryState) (n:address) : blindedWord =
match m, n with
| Nil, _ -> MultiClear 0uL
| hd :: tl, 0uL -> hd
| hd :: tl, n -> nth tl (FStar.UInt64.sub n 1uL)
We then show that the values of equal memories are equal.
let equal_memories_have_equal_values (a b: memoryState) (n:address):
Lemma (requires a = b)
(ensures (nth a n) = (nth b n))
= ()
Next, we show that the values of equal memories are equal.
let rec equivalent_memories_have_equivalent_values (a b: memoryState) (n: address):
Lemma (requires equiv_list a b)
(ensures equiv (nth a n) (nth b n))
= match n, a, b with
| 0uL, _, _ -> ()
| _, hl :: tl, hr :: tr -> equivalent_memories_have_equivalent_values tl tr (FStar.UInt64.sub n 1uL)
| _ -> ()
Finally, we show that each pair of elements from a pair of equivalent memories has identical blindedness.
irreducible let trigger (a b: memoryState) (n:address) = True
let rec equivalent_memories_have_identical_blindedness_somewhere (a b: memoryState) (n:address):
Lemma (requires equiv_list a b)
(ensures is_blinded (nth a n) <==> is_blinded (nth b n))
[SMTPat (trigger a b n)]=
match n, a, b with
| 0uL, _, _ -> ()
| _, hl :: tl, hr :: tr ->
tl tr
(FStar.UInt64.sub n 1uL)
| _ -> ()