Model ISA

In this file, we analyze a concrete instruction set that includes a number of manually-implemented taint propagation rules.

module ISA

open FStar.Math.Lib
open FStar.Mul

open Cpu
open Memory
open InstructionDecoder
open Value
open Multi

Instruction format

We start by defining the instruction format.


















Given this format, we then define functions to extract each component of the instruction word.

First, we define a conversion function mapping a machine word to an integer.

let v = FStar.UInt64.v

Then we define functions that extract the various components

let parse_opcode (inst:word) = (arithmetic_shift_right (v inst) 61) % 8
let parse_out1 (inst:word): nat = (arithmetic_shift_right (v inst) 56) % 32
let parse_in1 (inst:word): nat = (arithmetic_shift_right (v inst) 51) % 32
let parse_in2 (inst:word): nat = (arithmetic_shift_right (v inst) 45) % 32

However, for immediate values it is more convenient to define the function to extract a machine word rather than an integer.

let parse_imm (inst:word): Cpu.word =
      (FStar.UInt64.logand inst (FStar.UInt64.sub (FStar.UInt64.shift_left 1uL 46ul) 1uL))

Instruction decoder

Next we set up the instruction decoder, which converts an instruction word into an opcode plus a set of operands.

let sample_decoder (inst:word): decodedInstruction =
  let opcode = parse_opcode inst in
  let out1 = parse_out1 inst in
  let in1 = parse_in1 inst in
  let in2 = parse_in2 inst in
  let imm = parse_imm inst in
  match opcode with
  (* Store *)
    | 0 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [] }
  (* Load *)
    | 1 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [] }
  (* Branch *)
    | 2 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [PC; Register in1; Register in2];
            output_operands = [PC] }
  (* Add *)
    | 3 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2; Immediate imm ];
            output_operands = [ Register out1 ] }
  (* Subtract *)
    | 4 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [ Register out1 ] }
  (* Multiply *)
    | 5 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [ Register out1 ] }
  (* Bitwise AND *)
    | 6 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [ Register out1 ] }
  (* Bitwise XOR *)
    | 7 -> { opcode;
            input_operands  = [ Register in1; Register in2 ];
            output_operands = [ Register out1 ] }

Later on we will need to know how many input operands each instruction has; the prover can work it out, but needs a hint.

let sample_decoded_instruction_length (inst:word):
  Lemma (ensures FStar.List.length (sample_decoder inst).input_operands =
                    (match (sample_decoder inst).opcode with
                     | 0 -> 2
                     | 1 -> 2
                     | 2 -> 3
                     | 3 -> 3
                     | 4 -> 2
                     | 5 -> 2
                     | 6 -> 2
                     | 7 -> 2
        [SMTPat (sample_decoder inst)] =
    match (sample_decoder inst).opcode with
        | 0 -> ()
        | 1 -> ()
        | 2 -> ()
        | 3 -> ()
        | 4 -> ()
        | 5 -> ()
        | 6 -> ()
        | 7 -> ()

Utility functions

type blindedness_state =
  | NoneBlinded : blindedness_state
  | ConsistentlyBlinded : blindedness_domain -> blindedness_state
  | InconsistentlyBlinded : blindedness_state

let rec blindedness_state_of_list_int (l : list blindedWord) (s : blindedness_state) : blindedness_state =
  if InconsistentlyBlinded? s then s else
  match l with
    | Nil -> s
    | MultiClear x :: tl -> blindedness_state_of_list_int tl s
    | MultiBlinded x d :: tl -> let s2 = match s with
                                          | NoneBlinded -> ConsistentlyBlinded d
                                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d2 -> if d = d2 then s else InconsistentlyBlinded
                                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> InconsistentlyBlinded
                                blindedness_state_of_list_int tl s2

let blindedness_state_of_list (l : list blindedWord) : blindedness_state =
  blindedness_state_of_list_int l NoneBlinded

let rec blind_all_values (values: list blindedWord) (d: blindedness_domain): r:(list blindedWord){FStar.List.length values = FStar.List.length r} =
    match values with
      | Nil                     -> Nil
      | MultiBlinded hd dx :: tl -> MultiBlinded hd dx :: blind_all_values tl d
      | MultiClear   hd    :: tl -> MultiBlinded hd d :: blind_all_values tl d

let rec blinding_all_values_blinds_each_value (values: list blindedWord) (d: blindedness_domain) (n:nat{n < FStar.List.length values}):
  Lemma (ensures is_blinded (FStar.List.Tot.index (blind_all_values values d) n))
        [SMTPat (is_blinded (FStar.List.Tot.index (blind_all_values values d) n))] =
  match n, values with
    | 0, _   -> ()
    | _, Nil -> ()
    | n, hd :: tl -> blinding_all_values_blinds_each_value tl d (n-1)

let rec blinding_all_values_is_idempotent  (values: list blindedWord) (d: blindedness_domain):
  Lemma (ensures (blind_all_values values d) = blind_all_values (blind_all_values values d) d) =
    match values with
      | hd :: tl -> blinding_all_values_is_idempotent tl d
      | _ -> ()

let rec blinding_all_values_blinds_all_values  (values: list blindedWord) (d: blindedness_domain):
  Lemma (ensures all_values_are_blinded (blind_all_values values d))
        [SMTPat (blind_all_values values d)] =
  match values with
    | hd :: tl -> blinding_all_values_blinds_all_values tl d
    | _ -> ()

let rec equivalent_unblinded_lists_are_equal (a b: list blindedWord):
  Lemma (requires (equiv_list a b) /\ (~(any_value_is_blinded a) \/ ~(any_value_is_blinded b)))
        (ensures a = b) =
  match a, b with
    | h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 -> equivalent_unblinded_lists_are_equal t1 t2
    | _ -> ()

Instruction semantics

Now we define the behavior of each instruction.

In most cases we use a ‘generic’ taint propagation rule:


if any_value_is_blinded pre then Blinded result else Clear result

However, there are some instructions where a more specific rule is appropriate. For example, \(x \oplus x\) and \(x \& 0\) both evaluate to zero, irrespective of the value of \(x\), meaning that the result can be Clear 0 even though an input may be blinded.

val sample_semantics (#n:memory_size): instruction_semantics #n #32 sample_decoder

#set-options "--z3rlimit 1000"
let sample_semantics (di:decoder_output sample_decoder)
                     (pre:(list blindedWord){
                       (exists(s: systemState). pre = get_operands di.input_operands s) /\
                       FStar.List.length pre = FStar.List.length di.input_operands})
                     : instruction_result di =
  match di.opcode with
    (* Store *)
    | 0 -> let address = (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0) in

    { register_writes = []; memory_ops = (
      assert(FStar.List.length di.input_operands = 2);
      match (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 0), (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 1) with
        | Register d, Register s -> [Store (v (unwrap address)) s]
        | _ -> []
      ); fault = is_blinded address}
    (* Load *)
    | 1 -> let address = (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0) in
          { register_writes = [];
            memory_ops = (match (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 0),
                                     (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 1) with
                                | Register d, Register s -> [Load (v (unwrap address)) d]
                                | _ -> []);
            fault = is_blinded address}
    (* Branch *)
    | 2 -> ( let pc = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 2 in
            let ref: blindedWord = MultiClear #word 0uL in
            { register_writes = [if a = ref then b else pc];
              memory_ops = [];
              fault = is_blinded a})
    (* Add *)
    | 3 -> ( assert(FStar.List.length pre = 3);
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let result: Cpu.word = (FStar.UInt64.add_mod (unwrap a) (unwrap b)) in
            let result = match blindedness_state_of_list pre with
                          | NoneBlinded -> make_clear result
                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> MultiBlinded result d
                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> make_clear 0uL in
            { register_writes = [result];
              memory_ops = [];
              fault = InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre)})
    (* Sub *)
    | 4 -> ( assert(FStar.List.length pre = 2);
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let result: Cpu.word = (FStar.UInt64.sub_mod (unwrap a) (unwrap b)) in
            let result = match blindedness_state_of_list pre with
                          | NoneBlinded -> make_clear result
                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> MultiBlinded result d
                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> make_clear 0uL in
            { register_writes = [result];
              memory_ops = [];
              fault = InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre) })
    (* MUL *)
    | 5 -> ( assert(FStar.List.length pre = 2);
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let result = (FStar.UInt64.mul_mod (unwrap a) (unwrap b)) in
            let result = match blindedness_state_of_list pre with
                          | NoneBlinded -> make_clear result
                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> MultiBlinded result d
                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> make_clear 0uL in
           { register_writes = [result];
             memory_ops = [];
              fault = InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre) })
    (* AND *)
    | 6 -> ( assert(FStar.List.length pre = 2);
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let result: Cpu.word = FStar.UInt64.logand (unwrap a) (unwrap b) in
            let result = if (a = make_clear 0uL) || (b = make_clear 0uL) then
                            make_clear 0uL
                         else match blindedness_state_of_list pre with
                          | NoneBlinded -> make_clear result
                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> MultiBlinded result d
                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> make_clear 0uL in
                         { register_writes = [result];
                           memory_ops = [];
                           fault = InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre)}
    (* XOR *)
    | 7 -> ( assert(FStar.List.length pre = 2);
            let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
            let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
            let result: Cpu.word = (FStar.UInt64.logxor (unwrap a) (unwrap b)) in
            let result = if (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 0)
                           = (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 1) then
                            make_clear 0uL
                         else match blindedness_state_of_list pre with
                          | NoneBlinded -> make_clear result
                          | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> MultiBlinded result d
                          | InconsistentlyBlinded -> make_clear 0uL in
                         { register_writes = [result];
                           memory_ops = [];
                           fault = InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre)}

irreducible let trigger (#n: memory_size)
  (inst:word) (pre:instruction_input #n #32 (sample_decoder inst)) = False


Now we can start to prove the safety of the instruction semantics, which we do by proving their redaction-equivalence.

This is complicated slightly by the fact that we need to show that the redacted inputs are also valid inputs.

We start by using an special redacting function on the instruction inputs that shows that the result is also an input to said instruction.

#set-options "--z3rlimit 1000"
let sample_semantics_are_redacting_equivalent_expanded (#n: memory_size)
   (pre:instruction_input (sample_decoder inst)):
  Lemma (ensures (equiv_result (sample_semantics #n (sample_decoder inst) pre)
                               (sample_semantics #n (sample_decoder inst)
                                  (redacted_instruction_inputs_are_instruction_inputs #n #32
                                     (sample_decoder inst) pre)))
                 \/ trigger #n inst pre) =

Then we do the real proof of redacting-equivalence.

#set-options "--z3rlimit 10000"
let sample_semantics_are_redacting_equivalent (#n: memory_size)
    (pre:instruction_input #n #32 (sample_decoder inst)):
  Lemma (ensures is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_somewhere #n #32
                                                                         inst pre
                 \/ trigger inst pre) =

let sample_semantics_are_redacting_equivalent_everywhere (#n: memory_size):
  Lemma (ensures is_redacting_equivalent_instruction_semantics_everywhere #n #32
                   sample_decoder sample_semantics) =

Finally, we show that the semantics are safe.

let sample_semantics_are_safe (#n: memory_size) (cp:cache_policy n):
  Lemma (ensures is_safe #n #32
                         (loadstore_execution_unit #n #32 sample_decoder (sample_semantics #n) cp)) =
    sample_semantics_are_redacting_equivalent_everywhere #n;

      sample_decoder (sample_semantics #n) cp;

      sample_decoder (sample_semantics #n) cp


Next we prove that the instructions do the right thing. First, addition:

let add_instruction_works_correctly
  (#n:memory_size) (inst:word)
  (pre:(list blindedWord){
    (exists(s: systemState #n).
      pre = get_operands #n #32 (sample_decoder inst).input_operands s) /\
      FStar.List.length pre = FStar.List.length (sample_decoder inst).input_operands}):

    Lemma (requires parse_opcode inst = 3 /\ ~(InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre)))
          (ensures  unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.hd
                             (sample_semantics #n (sample_decoder inst) pre).register_writes)
                     = (FStar.UInt64.add_mod (unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0))
                                             (unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1)))) =

Then exclusive or. First we need to know that \(x \oplus x = 0\), since this means that the output won’t depend on the specific value of \(x\).

let xor_with_self_yields_zero (a:Cpu.word):
  Lemma (ensures (FStar.UInt64.logxor a a) = 0uL) =
    let value: FStar.UInt.uint_t 64 = v a in
    FStar.UInt.logxor_self #64 value;
    assert(FStar.UInt.logxor #64 value value == 0)

Then we show that the computed value really is the exclusive OR of the inputs.

let xor_instruction_works_correctly
      (#n:memory_size) (inst:word)
      (pre:(list blindedWord){
        (exists(s: systemState #n).
          pre = get_operands #n #32 (sample_decoder inst).input_operands s) /\
          FStar.List.length pre = FStar.List.length (sample_decoder inst).input_operands}):
    Lemma (requires parse_opcode inst = 7  /\ ~(InconsistentlyBlinded? (blindedness_state_of_list pre)))
          (ensures  unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.hd
                             (sample_semantics #n (sample_decoder inst) pre).register_writes)
                     = FStar.UInt64.logxor (unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0))
                                           (unwrap (FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1)) ) =
          let di = sample_decoder inst in
          let a = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 0 in
          let b = FStar.List.Tot.index pre 1 in
          let outputs = (sample_semantics #n (sample_decoder inst) pre).register_writes in
          if (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 0)
              = (FStar.List.Tot.index di.input_operands 1) then (
            assert(a == b);
            xor_with_self_yields_zero (unwrap a) )
          else (
            let bs = blindedness_state_of_list pre in
            match bs with
                | ConsistentlyBlinded d -> assert(outputs = [MultiBlinded (FStar.UInt64.logxor (unwrap a) (unwrap b)) d])
                | NoneBlinded -> assert(outputs = [MultiClear (FStar.UInt64.logxor (unwrap a) (unwrap b))])